
Initial setup and process for newly appointed Agency Manager

Note: This guide is for a newly appointed Agency Manager

1. Ensure the following has been completed

a) All business agreements and arrangement have been completed and signed.
b) The system has been tested and confirm ready for live.
c) The initial terminal stocks have been delivered (take note that EM will charge the terminal deposit to the Agency Manager. Agency Manager to collect the deposit from Master Agency (when Master Agency order the terminal stocks from Agency Manager) in order for Agency Manager to recover their fund.

2. The local team need to appoint an administrator who will be in-charge of the system (not necessary must have IT background. There is minimal technical knowledge required to operate the system).

3. Once the administrator appointed, kindly notify EM. EM product team will provide the relevant information to the administrator for the system link & access ID.

4. Administrator first task is to:

a) Ensure all documentation such as master agency & agent agreement is in order.
b) Merchant agreement is in place.
c) Terminal stocks have arrived and in order.

5. The next step is to register the Master Agency and/or agents. Before registering the Master Agency or Agents, Administrator to ensure the following:

a) Master Agency has paid the terminal deposit to the Agency Manager (click here how to pay).
b) They have signed the Master Agency Agreement or Agent Agreement.

6. Once item 5 is in order, Administrator to enroll Master Agency or agents into the system (click here for the steps)

7. Lastly, to arrange training to the master agent or agent on sales, products and supports.