
Administration Function - F10 (Service Centre)

In the F10 menu, the functions are:

L1 - SC Balance (this is to check the merchant's account balance / float balance)

L2 - Print Last Tran (print last transaction refers to re-printing of the receipt of the latest transaction)

L3 - Print Tranx (print transaction refers to re-printing a particular receipt of any transaction

L4 - Print Summary (printing of report. 3 options available - Daily, Monthly & By Staff)

Press Enter to go to next screen

L1 - Announcement (press this to get latest announcement from EM / TrackSol)

L2 - Sign In     L3 - Sign Out   (these two functions refer to the security feature of the terminal. You can set only a dedicated staff to enable or operate the terminal. When selected, the authorized staff card is required to enable the service)

L4 - Lock Terminal - another security feature. Instead of using authorized card, you can use Pin. Every time you select a function, you need to enter a Pin number hold by the authorized person.